Sunday, January 26, 2020

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

The Bohemian Keto Lifestyle

In late August, 2017 I began to prepare for a "sugar free" September.  This was huge because I love sweet stuff.  As well, I made a commitment  to go low carbohydrate again.  I'd quit the white pasta, rice and flour about a year ago but fell off the wagon.  During the time I didn't consume all of those carbs I had lost some weight and felt good but unfortunately didn't stick with it.

This time, I've managed to stay on course, with a small deviation at Christmas.  I have healed the inflammation that was starting in my Achilles heel, lost inches and gained energy. 

I practice Intermittent Fasting which means I don't eat from 7:00 p.m. until 11:00 a.m the next day.  I know the experts say we should never miss breakfast.  The three days I get up really early to work, I eat breakfast.  The other four days I do the fasting.  This works for me because I am not a breakfast person.  I just don't feel hungry.  On the topic of hunger, this Way of Eating works.  Once you get over the craving for sugar and carbohydrates you really don't feel that hunger.  It's very interesting. 

There's lots of information in regard to Keto diets and Low Carb eating plans.  If you are so inclined, check out Diet Doctor that has free information and you can pay to subscribe.  My favorite cook book writer is Maria Emmerich.

This is a lifestyle change for me.  I sabotage myself when it comes to scales so I don't weigh myself.  I just go by how my clothes fit.  #keto

Monday, May 9, 2016

Jocie's Blog: The Fires

Jocie's Blog: The Fires: Rex Murphy, always the voice of reason, had his little say and it got me to thinking. He believes we should all say thank you to Alber...